Today is Monday the 20th of December, 2010.
I'm currently sitting in my Aunt's study looking at the mess that surrounds me and I wonder how anyone could get any work done in here. It's funny how some people seem to thrive in mess and just stuff stuck everywhere... I mean, don't get me wrong, I could challenge you for the title of "most messiest"... I like a good floordrobe, me. But when it comes to actualk work and stuff, there's no way that I could get anything done in here.
As for work, well I haven't been doing much of that lately, much to my dishonour. I totally forgot, in the flurry of my birthday and Minna staying over and moving yaddah yaddah yaddah, that I was doing a beginners Italian course. *minor seizure/ heart attack* Fortunately, it's all good. I got onto it today, and I'm feeling good about it. I mean, I like this course. I enjoy it, I actually want to do it which is a MASSIVE improvement on the last one. It's going well and I couldn't be happier.
We have moved. Finally. It seems like it's been such a long, slow journey getting to this point. But, then again, it seems sudden and instant. We were talking of moving, new houses, looking at places for such a long time without ever really doing anything about it. And then, in no time at all, we'd found somewhere, looked at it, agreed to take it, signed all the paperwork, packed everything up and now... it's all in the new place. I can't believe how sudden it's been. I'm so glad that we finally moved out of that place, you wouldn't believe it. I miss nothing about 116 Norwich Road. But now the new begins.
Even thought there is still a lot to do with the new place, it still feels like it's mine. It's my room, my place, my new area. I have posters, pictures, cds and all sorts of random junk in it making it mine. I can't wait till I get some order into it. I just feel that for so long we've had to put up with so much; a kitchen that is falling apart, a boiler that is (probably) unsafe, damp issues, great coldness in winter... A generally poor house. Mum deserved a better place, and now she has it. If I had my way, I'd buy out this place and that way mum could do what she wanted to it. I'd pay for any and all modifications she wanted to make to it... But, unfortunately, a Saturday job at Roy's won't pay for that. C'est la vie. Life goeth on...
Life does indeed go on. Longer than expected sometimes. Life is delecate, there's no two ways about it. Hundreds of people die every day. But some are kept alive... The phrase that is so often used "all the good ones are taken early" is so often innacurate. This was highlighted to me Sunday morning at Church.
Thelma Edwards is a wonderful lady. She's going to be 80 on Boxing day. She's been about for as long as I can remember, but not in the way she is now. When I first started going to our church she was up and about all over the place, driving around in her blue Clio. Now she's driven about by her daughter. She walks with a wheely support thing. Then, last year, she was diagnosed with cancer... You would have thought she had suffered enough.
But still she's here. Miracles don't often happen, but one certainly happened to her. She's totally cancer free. Nothing there. Think it's coincidence? Good luck? Psh.
David Welham, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. It spread to his bones.
He's still here. He's just the same as he's always been. You wouldn't be able to tell that he'd had cancer. Fit as the proverbial fiddle.
God is awesome. He's always been the great healer. Still is.
I know that they're still here because of God's help. He's still all powerful, no one can change that. He's still the God that made me and not only that, he's the God that keeps me going. I am nothing without him. Just a bag of meat and bones that would never meet it's full potential. I'm still not sure I ever will. But I've got way more of a chance now than I would without him.
Goodnight, bless your face, peace off, trademarktobyturner.
Monday, 20 December 2010
That one word has an awful lot of inherrant sadness attached to it. Empty... I guess you could say that it's a sad word. It brings to mind ideas of something hollow, missing a part, a piece. Missing something to make it complete.
That's kinda how I feel right now. I have no consistent internet access. Certainly nothing with which I can skype... I haven't seen Gemma in the flesh since the 12th. I haven't skyped with her for goodness knows how long, probably a similar amount of time.
I really really miss her. I miss not spending time randomly chatting about nothing in particular each evening. I miss seeing her face, even if I can't touch it... or kiss it. I miss her.
Two weeks till the phone etc gets transferred over. Two weeks seems like an age. >_< I want it to be now, I want to see her... I hate this distance, even thiough it's not that great a distance. But that almost makes it worse. I know she's only a 30-40 minute train journey away. The feeling of her being just out of reach is so frustrating. I totally can't wait for Wednesday, I just hope the trains aren't delayed or whatever... If they are, that's it. No Ipswich. No Gemma. I don't get to see her, I don't get to hold her, I don't get to kiss her.
The trains had better be running.
That's kinda how I feel right now. I have no consistent internet access. Certainly nothing with which I can skype... I haven't seen Gemma in the flesh since the 12th. I haven't skyped with her for goodness knows how long, probably a similar amount of time.
I really really miss her. I miss not spending time randomly chatting about nothing in particular each evening. I miss seeing her face, even if I can't touch it... or kiss it. I miss her.
Two weeks till the phone etc gets transferred over. Two weeks seems like an age. >_< I want it to be now, I want to see her... I hate this distance, even thiough it's not that great a distance. But that almost makes it worse. I know she's only a 30-40 minute train journey away. The feeling of her being just out of reach is so frustrating. I totally can't wait for Wednesday, I just hope the trains aren't delayed or whatever... If they are, that's it. No Ipswich. No Gemma. I don't get to see her, I don't get to hold her, I don't get to kiss her.
The trains had better be running.
Friday, 17 December 2010
The Emperor's New Room
I am terrible with this whole blogging thing... I can't keep it up, I don't know why.
I find it difficult to think of things to say. Maybe I worry about whether or not people want to read it. Hell, I doubt anyone will read this so I don't know why I worry so much. I should just blog about any old nonsense that's going on. I mean, it's not like nothing ever goes on in my life (although some could debate that the previous statement is incorrect) but I just... dunno what to blog about.
I guess Imma just ramble...
So, we're moving! Scratch that; we've (technically, kinda) moved! As of the 13th of December, our official abode is not the one we have been living in for the past 9/10 years. I can honestly say I will not miss this room at all. Not in the slightest. My new room's bigger, brighter, warmer... I love it. And today it's started to feel more like my room than simply a room. The majority of my stuff is now at the new house and earlier I started putting up some of the minor personalisations. My new Muse door poster went on the inside of my door with the Toy Story 3 cards Gemma sent me, and I put some tickets round the fireplace. Dunno if they'll stay there... But, anyway, I can't wait to get properly, fully moved in. My room's walls are currently a lovely shade of very, extremely pale pink... In fact, all the walls of the house are painted in the same shade. Mum and Abi can live with it, but me? Hng, no thanks. My room will be the first to be re-decorated. Green, I think... I can't wait till it's done so I can get all my stuff on the walls. Posters, pictures, my Yoda canvas (even though that's already hanging...)
It's funny, I won't miss this room in the slightest, nor this house for that matter... You would think that, as the house that I did most of my growing up in, I'd miss it at least a little. You would think that I'd feel somewhat sentimental because, lets face it, I am a sentimental man. I get attached to things and people and places. But this house... I feel nothing but relief to be leaving it. It has innumerable problems; large brown patch on the living room ceiling where it fell down and was patched up, kitchen is crap, terrible central heating, ancient boiler, damp issues... The list goes on. I will be glad when the final things have been emptied from the house and we are firmly settled into our new one. This house is already feeling less and less like home. It certainly doesn't look like it any more...
I find it difficult to think of things to say. Maybe I worry about whether or not people want to read it. Hell, I doubt anyone will read this so I don't know why I worry so much. I should just blog about any old nonsense that's going on. I mean, it's not like nothing ever goes on in my life (although some could debate that the previous statement is incorrect) but I just... dunno what to blog about.
I guess Imma just ramble...

It's funny, I won't miss this room in the slightest, nor this house for that matter... You would think that, as the house that I did most of my growing up in, I'd miss it at least a little. You would think that I'd feel somewhat sentimental because, lets face it, I am a sentimental man. I get attached to things and people and places. But this house... I feel nothing but relief to be leaving it. It has innumerable problems; large brown patch on the living room ceiling where it fell down and was patched up, kitchen is crap, terrible central heating, ancient boiler, damp issues... The list goes on. I will be glad when the final things have been emptied from the house and we are firmly settled into our new one. This house is already feeling less and less like home. It certainly doesn't look like it any more...
Moving on; I miss people. I spent all of my birthday weekend with Minna and I spent all of the 11th and 12th with Gemma: I miss them both terribly. I know that I'm gonna see Gemma soon so that's not so bad, but I still miss her like nobody's business. And it was hard saying goodbye to them both, Gemma in the station and Minna in the airport. Although saying bye to Gemma was kinda cool; we got spotted by my cousin and her boyfriend. :P But saying bye to Minna was a little pants. She said she didn't want to go, I would have liked her to stay longer... I miss her a lot. Ah well, I have even more reason to go see her in Sweden now that she's been here to my place. And I can't wait till the 22nd; I get to go to Ipswich and see Gemma. Granted, it's with Abi and we're going to the Wolsey Panto. But it'll be so good to see her again, even if I'll have to behave a little better with my sister around. :P No neck biting I think... Even better, I think we may be going to see TRON: Legacy! I can't wait.
Well, that's it. I'm off. Ciao all.
Moving on; I miss people. I spent all of my birthday weekend with Minna and I spent all of the 11th and 12th with Gemma: I miss them both terribly. I know that I'm gonna see Gemma soon so that's not so bad, but I still miss her like nobody's business. And it was hard saying goodbye to them both, Gemma in the station and Minna in the airport. Although saying bye to Gemma was kinda cool; we got spotted by my cousin and her boyfriend. :P But saying bye to Minna was a little pants. She said she didn't want to go, I would have liked her to stay longer... I miss her a lot. Ah well, I have even more reason to go see her in Sweden now that she's been here to my place. And I can't wait till the 22nd; I get to go to Ipswich and see Gemma. Granted, it's with Abi and we're going to the Wolsey Panto. But it'll be so good to see her again, even if I'll have to behave a little better with my sister around. :P No neck biting I think... Even better, I think we may be going to see TRON: Legacy! I can't wait.
Well, that's it. I'm off. Ciao all.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Red Jaguar and green rug
This is up there. One of my most desirable basses...
A hot rod red Fender Jaguar bass. They're so beautifully unique looking and they have such a broad tonal quality...
Epiphone "Les Paul" Special Edition
I've slightly fallen in love with this bass. This, along with a semi-hollow; something like an Epiphone Jack Casady, is what I'm aiming for.
I've developed a bit of a thing for black basses...
I've got the bug... Bass acquisition syndrome. I will buy an Epi Les Paul special and call it Charlotte. Yes.
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