I have recently come to a stark and serious realisation and that is that a) I have gained weight and b) I need to lose some of said weight. I've noticed that the positive habit I formed of refraining from eating too much sweet stuff and eating between meals had slipped recently and through this my girth has swelled somewhat. I've decided that this will not do; I do not want to be an overweight blob of grease again. The excess eating and stuff is being cracked down on, that's not so hard to do; making sure I think twice before having that twix. Deciding to have a drink before I eat, because that (surprisingly) does help to curb hunger. Stuff like that is reasonably easy to do. But there is a whole other arena that needs to be tackled; physical movement. Now, as are most internet people, I am reluctant to... well, move. We like the intertubes; we like to sit on our butts, watch youtube videos and blog. (And when I say blog, I mean reblog photos and junk on tumblr.)
I needed to actually move because cutting out junk food and all that jazz isn't enough. So, I have turned to the magical world of geocaching and I love it! I've become a total addict. I want to constantly find caches and place caches. It's a great thing to do for me because it's active; not only physically but mentally. Most of the time you're given the coordinates and a cryptic clue including some specifics, which means you have to work out the clue and then, when you get there, work out where the cache might be. Because it's not as simple as looking on the ground for a box or something. They're hidden, and a lot of the time they're hidden REALLY well. I spent 20 odd minutes searching for my first cache. It took me a while, but it was worth it because the excitement you feel after finally finding this little thing is crazy; there's this huge sense of accomplishment. Like you've actually found treasure, but in reality it's just trinkets. Poker chips and guitar picks and tiny animals and the occasional trackable (they're fun: you log them online and you can see where it's been). I need mental stimulation otherwise I just... stagnate so caching is perfect for me.
Now, you don't always have a successful time, as was evidenced today. My phone decided to scramble the gps signal and lead me in the complete opposite to the direction the cache was in. I ended up 1.6km away. But this turned out for the best because it lead to me spotting some nice places to drop caches. Here's where physical exercise comes in; I went out on my bike (which I never do) and after my failure to find even the right
area I thought that it was pointless to just go straight home. So I went for a tour of the back roads of Costessey, just buzzing about here there and whatever road I felt like going down. I saw places I knew and places I didn't, but it all added up to one thing; I enjoyed being active and that's the main thing. I got back home and I felt tired, but good tired; satisfied that I'd managed to go out for a bike ride and managed to do more than a full pelt circuit of the block.
I know that this is only a small victory on the way to getting my weight down to where I was, but I feel proud of myself. I feel like I've accomplished something. I am man! Raaaar!