Watchmen by Alan Moore
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Part of me feels bad for not enjoying Watchmen. I will own up and say that I didn't finish it: I can't bring myself to pick it up and open it... It's like, I feel as if it's something I should have enjoyed; I know that the movie is regarded by many to be far inferior to the novel and the majority of the time, I'd agree. The source material is almost always better than the movie. But Watchmen just didn't do it for me. But I digress.
I found the book a real struggle to read. For me, it was anything but a page-turner and I just didn't find it grabbing me and making me want to read it in one sitting. The story just didn't feel like it ever got moving, and it was as if it was on this singular invariable level, creeping along without really doing a whole lot. I honestly found it monotonous and anything but engaging.
Then comes the characters... The only character that was in any way interesting to me was Rorschach, but I found every other character dull and uninteresting. There was nothing about them that made me care, that made me want to see what happened to them. If I ever write reviews, I try to be reasonably eloquent, but I found the characters and their personalities to be reasonably... meh.
Maybe it's a generation thing, and I'm just that bit too young to fully appreciate it. Or perhaps it's too intellectual for my understanding. Regardless, I frankly didn't enjoy it and I wish that I had.
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