Friday, 26 March 2010


Today is looking to be a pretty good day.
I woke up this morning not overly optimistic. I have no motivation to do any coursework mainly because I see no point.
I am failing it, there's no two ways about it. I'm not going to pass this course, I'm one hundred percent sure. Even if I did keep going, it would take me far too long to gain my degree. Far longer than I'm willing to sacrifice.
But anyway, that's not the point of this post.
So far, today has been good.
When I got up, the weather was nice. It was warm enough for me to go out in just a t-shirt (well... I went out wearing just a t-shirt in winter... but never mind that.)
I did a little coursework this morning and then I got to break free; into the garden I went!
Well... I did have stuff to do. The garden was looking a bit of a mess and so, for this morning, I became Ben Skelly: gardener.
I won't lie, I had a good time. Just being out in the sun was fun and clearing up the garden let me rest the studying part of my mind and let my imagination play about a bit. And it's very satisfying to look at a tidy garden knowing that you did all the work yourself (not to mention earned £10 doing it... lol)

I've slowed down on the creativity a little. I hadn't worked on my story for a while until last night, but I got back into it quickly and soon the creative juices were flowing. I'm really quite proud of this story, and I'm really enjoying writing it for myself. It isn't for anyone, it's not to be published or whatever. It's for me.
Also, today I got paid! WOO! So it was time to add a little more music to my life ;) I bought two things. First, I ordered a cd from Amazon that I'd wanted for quite some time. It's full of great music (and I know Minna will be pleased to hear this); I ordered the Wicked musical cd. :D I can't wait till it comes. Until then, I turned to iTunes for something new. One of my favourite singers, Julia Nunes, has recently released a new EP and so I couldn't help but download it. She's such a great artist, I love her voice and her music and, gah, it's just great! Everyone should check her out. She's released two albums, Left Right Wrong and I Wrote These, and her new EP is called I Think You Know. She's just great.
This evening will be a good one indeed; soon I'll be off to the quiz and chips evening at the school Steve works at. Last time we won; we can do it again! ;)
Victory will be ours (or so we hope).
Lastly, this week I'm going away for a few days (and I need it). We're not going away anywhere spectacular, just to stay with some friends. But they live further out into the country than we do so it'll be a nice change to get away from everything and relax a bit. It'll be good; Sunday afternoon I get to see the baptism of two friends, Chris and Sam, which will be really great. Then I get to spend a few days walking into the fields and just spending time away from people and cars and too many buildings. It's very much needed I guarantee.
Not sure I'll get any access to the internet whilst I'm away so, until Wednesday afternoon, I will bid you ADIEU!

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