Tuesday, 15 March 2011

New Arrivals

Oh yeah! As of today, I officially have all of my expected arrivals. Darth Maul: check. Asajj Ventress: check. The beginnings of my clone trooper micro bust army: check. I love it, I'm such an enormous nerd!
Today, I finally got my essay done and dusted and it's now totally ready to send off. It feels so good to be getting it sorted out and done and set away to pasture. I've finished that course. It hasn't quite registered yet; maybe it will when I send it off. It's done and now I can start looking at future courses. There is time for that...
Tomorrow morning I have a mission: I have letters to post. One to my dear, small Swedish friend and one to the open university. To be honest, both have taken a while to complete. Both were finished today. Normally, I love writing letters and I'm like blah blah blah blah ok done but this one took a bit longer... Although it is three pages long, but still it took a while for me to finish it in totality. Anyway, those will be sent off tomorrow. Then I have another mission to accomplish: school times. Yes, it has been a while since I contacted them and I hope that they'll forgive me for my lack of contact but I do have good reasons. Busyness with moving, stress with coursework... It all just piled on. But tomorrow is the day I get in contact, eat a very large quantity of humble pie and see if they're still willing to have me come along and help out... We'll see how it goes. I don't think they'll be too down on me. I mean, let's face it... this is me we're talking about. :P

So I have a reasonably busy morning. That and the fact I have an Italian assignment to write... Ooooooooooooooooh boy, this will be good... I think? I hope? I'm praying...
Anyway, I needs my beauty sleep.

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