That awkward moment when I'm watching the live stream of a guy in America I've never met opening tons of cards and packages from people that neither I nor he has ever met and realising that I'm part of such a massive thing (know as Nerdfighteria) that has helped me become a bigger and better person.
I know what you're thinking; how can two guys that make videos on youtube have that much of an effect on my life? I don't know them personally, I've never met them. But I don't need to. Hank and John Green are two very different yet completely awesome brothers. And through the movement they've begun, a.k.a Nerdfighters and Nerdfighting, I've found a place and a description.
The impact that they've had on my life has been unnoticed yet the more I think about it, the more profound I realise it's been. I can't imagine not being involved in the nerfighter community in some way... Learning to accept who I am, not being ashamed of that and embracing those things that I love and can and are often described as "sad, stupid, weird" and all come under the heading of "nerdery". I'm me for many different reasons; the biggest influence is my faith, the second biggest influence is nerdfighteria.
I can't even put this into words sufficiently, it's so annoying. Hank and John Green are so incredibly important to me and, even though that sounds cheesy and a liiittle creepy, it's true. Every time I see a video that is associated with them or nerdfighteria I remember that I am me and I am awesome. I can make a difference through my own efforts and I can reduce the suckyness in this world. It constantly encourages me to try and improve the things and people around me by first improving myself. It inspires me to be better than I have been in the past but not to wish the past away; work off it, improve on it and never EVER forget to be awesome.
So yeah, happy Hanko de Mayo, and by no means should you F.T.B.A.
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