Friday, 25 June 2010

Swedish sweets

I feel secure in the absolute fact of this statement: these are the most amazing sweets I have ever tasted. Bar none.

I want to eat these every day of my life...

Friday, 18 June 2010

What to do, what to do...

I hate it when awkward and annoying situations arise. Some people can't take a hint. :/
I'm too nice, this is my problem. I can't just say "Go away. I don't want to hang out."
Lately, an "old friend" has decided to try and renew an old friendship. We used to hang out loads when we were younger. We were both MASSIVE Star Wars geeks, loved all the same movies so yeah, we got on well. Had a lot in common.
But that was then. This is now. Through different circumstances we stopped hanging out. Just the way things go. But he now wants to start hanging out again and the thing is... I've changed. My taste has widened and I've become a different person whilst he's stayed the same. We have barely anything in common any more and he doesn't see it. He doesn't take any hints, the numerous awkward silences go by as if they're unnoticed and he doesn't seem to get it. We're two very different people now...
Oh what to do, what to do...

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Growing up

Small word of advice: DON'T DO IT.
It's so ironic how we spend all of our young lives dying to be older, celebrating each year that passes as if it's a good thing. Saying "I can't wait till I'm 16" then when we reach 16, "I can't wait till I'm 18." Yearning to grow up. And then, as we get towards adulthood we realise how foolish we were to rush the growing up process. There is nothing wonderful about growing up. There is nothing about the adult world that warrants it's accelerated arrival.
The world of a child is a glorious, colorful place. Simple things are enjoyed and no one asks questions or bats an eyelid. Everything is a game.
The adult world is cold and grey. If you enjoy simple things you are glanced at sideways and people wonder if you're quite alright. Games are forbidden. Unless it's football or some other endlessly dull sport.
No one should be rushed to grow up. People that grow up become lawyers or bankers or accountants or dictators or other such endlessly dull professions.
I will never grow up. I refuse to grow up, point blank. Why should I? What is the point? Why do I need to grow up?
I refuse. No.
I. Don't. Want. To.

*sigh* I try...

Some people I don't think I will ever understand. I'm normally fairly good with people, but some I just can't place. I just can't read them.
I am thinking of one person in particular. She goes to our church and I can't read her. I can't read what she wants.
I try and be nice to her, but she kinda acts all stand off-ish and like she wants to be all banter-ful.
So I attempt banteryness and she acts all "awww, that's so mean :("
I try, I try. I guess there are some people you'll jsut never be able to please...

Friday, 11 June 2010

Good Day is Good

I've had a really very good couple of days on all accounts. Yesterday was great, mainly because I won an absolutely amazing model kit on Ebay. It's of a mech from an old tv series called "Zoids" and it's of my favourite zoid; the Geno Breaker. I've really wanted one of these for ages, but because they come from Japan, they're kinda expensive. I haven't seen a new one for less than £80 including postage and it's more normally around £90. This was £75 including postage, it's coming from the UK and its condition is brand new. It was an uwanted B'day present (which is insane, who wouldn't want this!?) Hopefully it'll be here tomorrow, it was sent off this morning I believe. TOTALLY can't wait to build this. It's a friggin beast!

And today has been a good day on all accounts. I actually got out of the house for a bit! I know! Shock horror! In fact, I didn't spend much of today in the house. And there have been several events that have made this day rather good.
Woke up this morning to hear mum telling me she was going out to do some shopping. Out to Asda she went and I was left to shake off sleep and bring myself into the land of the living once again. Did all the normal morning shiz and got on with what I thought was going to be another dull day. Then I got a text from mum. "I've just seen Darth Vader in Asda!" Now me, being a Star Wars geek, became extremely jealous at this fact. "Awwww maaan, I wish I'd have gone." Soon after I got a text that sealed the deal. "They're all here, the goodies and the baddies."
Off Abi and I went to Asda. I wasn't missing this. My mission: to get a photo with Darth Vader. As you can see, I was successful. It seriously made my day, it did; I was one happy fanboy/ geek. I like his pink bucket. It's good to know that even the dark lord of the sith wants to increase awareness of breast cancer and raise money for research. I love it that Norwich has it's own Star Wars costuming club. :P
Then after popping home for some lunch we went into the city centre for a bit which was good.
I kinda enjoy going into Norwich even when I don't really have anything to do (well, I did need to get some grey paint for my geno breaker. Some minor detailing needs to be done.) It was good, there were a few good buskers out. One guy was down by WH Smiths and was really rather epic. Great singer and I think he wrote his own songs. I didn't recognise the stuff he was singing anyways. I also decided that it was time I expanded my music collection; into HMV I went with the aim of walking out with one new album. After browsing about a bit I decided upon In Rainbows by Radiohead. I've never really given them a listen and I thought it was about time. And I love it, I really can't stop listening to the album. It's so so good!
Then I had a bit of a wander which was nice, then just chilled and had an epic latté with the Mooma.
All in all, it's been a pretty good day, although I have a stomach ache now and I'm not reeeeally looking forward to work tomorrow. Oh well.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Are you sitting comfortably?

Tuesdays are quickly becoming my favourite day. Mum, in her capacity as cleaner, goes round to her friend's place, has a bit of a chat and then helps round the house. For the past few weeks I've been tagging along to help out in the very essential role of occupying Vicky's kids, Rachel, Lauren and Gracie. And I love it. They're adorable. lauren and Rachel are twins so it's fun trying to work out which is which :P But they're great. They've worked out that it winds me up when they call me dad, thus it's their favourite thing to do when I'm there :P And I'm always nabbed as storyteller. Onto the sofa I must sit and books must be read. I almost must act as negotiator as I'm yet to find a book all three of them like.
Two sources of fascination for all three of them are:
  • my glasses
  • my beard
It's like they've never seen facial hair before, I swear. They want me to pick them up and as soon as I do they're, like, fondling my beard like it's a small, furry animal...
And they never tire of wearing my glasses. But a new fascination was found in my phone. It slipped out of my pocket and Rachel ran off with it.

And Wednesday and Thursday mornings are great too. There's the mums and toddlers group at church which I help out at. That's a lot of fun too, although there are a few kids that are afraid of me, despite having never had any contact with me above eye contact... I guess I'm just a scary looking guy. But there is one kid that's a bit of a star. He's a little Indian fella and every week I have to play his favourite game with him. This involves him climbing up the little slide the wrong way, he stands at the top and I whisk him off like he's a rocket, and then he clumbs back up it and slides down. This is repeated until I am totally worn out and need a drink.
But this is one of the things I love about kids; they don't get bored with things so easily. Something simple can occupy them for hours and hours and it makes them so happy, like they just discovered a way to make an everlasting chocolate cake...

I love kids. I can't wait to be a dad. Although the prospect of having a kid, or having more than one kid scares the life outta me. One day though, hopefully...

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Dreams do come true (geek post)

Okay, so that may be a slightly misleading title but it's kinda true... Gundam. I am a massive geek and a big kid and so the combination of building models of giant robots from Japanese anime is pure gold. Anyway, first Gundam Series I ever watched was Gundam Wing and from the first episode I was hooked. Gundam Wing is one of the most popular series in the franchise and, as such, it's kinda weird that there hasn't been and of the Mobile Suits made into Master Grade kits yet. Master grades are the most popular kits and you would think it would be the obvious thing to do.
Well, that has now been rectified. Last month, the Wing Gundam came out. The main Gundam from Gundam Wing; the protagonist's Gundam, if you will. And reviews of it have been blinding. It's, on all accounts, a fantastic Gundam model and one I very definately need to get at some point.
But here's the thing, the one Gundam that absolutely took my breath away was the Shenlong. Mainly because its main weapon was a massive dragon claw that it unfolds and crushes other mobile suits with. I absolutely love this mobile suit just because it has simple epic points. But the only model kit of it was a poor quality, dodgy high grade that was kind uncommon and therefore a tad expensive. So since the release of the Wing Gundam I've been waiting for the announcement that I've been hoping would come.
And today it did. They're making the rest of them into master grades. Deathscythe, Heavyarms, Sandrock and Shenlong. I can't wait.
I'm also really excited about the Heavyarms because that never even got a high grade release! I'm very much looking forward to these new Gundams...

[Edit:] So... the new Deathscythe is a Version Ka. Hmmm, I'm not sure how I feel about this... The Ver ka is a really cool MS design but it would be awesome to have all the lead gundams to be anime accurate, like the MG Wing Gundam. But this leaves me with a confusing situation; will I get an anime accurate shenlong or a ver ka... I'm not entirely bothered because I like both designs. In fact, I would quite like a Shenlong ver ka, it's a really rather cool MS design...

The Last One

These thoughts are somewhat borrowed. I saw them on a post on my tumblr, but that's irrelovent. I'm elaborating on them.
Yesterday was the 31st of May 2010. The last day. The last May 2010 that will ever be. There will never be another May 2010. Can I look back on it and say "I lived that May 2010 exactly how I wanted to live it?" Had the 1st of June never come, would I be able to say "Yes. Today is a good day to die"? It's the end of something, something that can never be experienced in exactly the same way ever again...
Today, the 1st of June 2010. The only 1st of June 2010 that there will ever be. The beginning of the only June 2010 that there will ever be. And it will be amazing. I guarantee. I will live this June as exactly what it is: The last June 2010 I will ever live. Never again will I live a June that is just like this. And when it's over I'll look back at it and say, "mistakes were made. Yeah, I pretty much made them all the time. Bt I'm proud of the June I've just lived. Of the person I am as I exit it. Of the times I've spent. Goodbye June. Hello July."
Always, there is something ending and something beginning. As you settle down to sleep the day you just lived has gone. It's over. And thus I introduce my new goal; every single day of my life, I will try and do something worth remembering. Not something huge, something amazing, something spectacular. Something that I can look back at and say "yeah. I'm glad I did that." Whether it's doing a bungee jump, making someone's day a little better by telling them how beautiful they are or simply by telling someone close how much they mean to you.
I will probably fail at this goal and this post most likely seems horrifically pretentious, but it's something I've known for a long time.
The past is gone. Mistakes made cannot be un-made. Why worry about them? Learn, and look forward. Make each day count because you never know, it could be your last.
And if you do anything, make sure that every person that means something to you knows exactly what they mean to you. Don't go on letting them think they mean a lot to you when in reality, they mean the world.
I have rambled on enough.
That is all.