I've had a really very good couple of days on all accounts. Yesterday was great, mainly because I won an absolutely amazing model kit on Ebay. It's of a mech from an old tv series called "Zoids" and it's of my favourite zoid; the Geno Breaker. I've really wanted one of these for ages, but because they com

e from Japan, they're kinda expensive. I haven't seen a new one for less than £80 including postage and it's more normally around £90. This was £75 including postage, it's coming from the UK and its condition is brand new. It was an uwanted B'day present (which is insane, who wouldn't want this!?) Hopefully it'll be here tomorrow, it was sent off this morning I believe. TOTALLY can't wait to build this. It's a friggin beast!
And today has been a good day on all accounts. I actually got out of the house for a bit! I know! Shock horror! In fact, I didn't spend much of today
in the house. And there have been several events that have made this day rather good.
Woke up this morning to hear mum telling me she was going out to do some shopping. Out to Asda she went and I was left to shake off sleep and bring myself into the land of the living once again. Did all the normal morning shiz and got on with what I thought was going to be another dull day. Then I got a text from mum. "I've just seen Darth Vader in Asda!" Now me, being a Star Wars geek, became extremely jealous at this fact. "Awwww maaan, I wish I'd have gone." Soon after I got a text that sealed the deal. "They're all here, the goodies and the baddies."
Off Abi and I went to Asda. I wasn't missing this. My mission: to get a photo with Darth Vader. As you can see, I was successful. It seriously made my day, it did; I was one happy fanboy/ geek. I like his pink b

ucket. It's good to know that even the dark lord of the sith wants to increase awareness of breast cancer and raise money for research. I love it that Norwich has it's own Star Wars costuming club. :P
Then after popping home for some lunch we went into the city centre for a bit which was good.
I kinda enjoy going into Norwich even when I don't really have anything to do (well, I did need to get some grey paint for my geno breaker. Some minor detailing needs to be done.) It was good, there were a few good buskers out. One guy was down by WH Smiths and was really rather epic. Great singer and I think he wrote his own songs. I didn't recognise the stuff he was singing anyways. I also decided that it was time I expanded my music collection; into HMV I went with the aim of walking out with one new album. After browsing about a bit I decided upon In Rainbows by Radiohead. I've never really given them a listen and I thought it was about time. And I love it, I really can't stop listening to the album. It's so so good!
Then I had a bit of a wander which was nice, then just chilled and had an epic latté with the Mooma.
All in all, it's been a pretty good day, although I have a stomach ache now and I'm not reeeeally looking forward to work tomorrow. Oh well.