Sunday, 13 June 2010

Growing up

Small word of advice: DON'T DO IT.
It's so ironic how we spend all of our young lives dying to be older, celebrating each year that passes as if it's a good thing. Saying "I can't wait till I'm 16" then when we reach 16, "I can't wait till I'm 18." Yearning to grow up. And then, as we get towards adulthood we realise how foolish we were to rush the growing up process. There is nothing wonderful about growing up. There is nothing about the adult world that warrants it's accelerated arrival.
The world of a child is a glorious, colorful place. Simple things are enjoyed and no one asks questions or bats an eyelid. Everything is a game.
The adult world is cold and grey. If you enjoy simple things you are glanced at sideways and people wonder if you're quite alright. Games are forbidden. Unless it's football or some other endlessly dull sport.
No one should be rushed to grow up. People that grow up become lawyers or bankers or accountants or dictators or other such endlessly dull professions.
I will never grow up. I refuse to grow up, point blank. Why should I? What is the point? Why do I need to grow up?
I refuse. No.
I. Don't. Want. To.

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