Tuesday, 1 June 2010

The Last One

These thoughts are somewhat borrowed. I saw them on a post on my tumblr, but that's irrelovent. I'm elaborating on them.
Yesterday was the 31st of May 2010. The last day. The last May 2010 that will ever be. There will never be another May 2010. Can I look back on it and say "I lived that May 2010 exactly how I wanted to live it?" Had the 1st of June never come, would I be able to say "Yes. Today is a good day to die"? It's the end of something, something that can never be experienced in exactly the same way ever again...
Today, the 1st of June 2010. The only 1st of June 2010 that there will ever be. The beginning of the only June 2010 that there will ever be. And it will be amazing. I guarantee. I will live this June as exactly what it is: The last June 2010 I will ever live. Never again will I live a June that is just like this. And when it's over I'll look back at it and say, "mistakes were made. Yeah, I pretty much made them all the time. Bt I'm proud of the June I've just lived. Of the person I am as I exit it. Of the times I've spent. Goodbye June. Hello July."
Always, there is something ending and something beginning. As you settle down to sleep the day you just lived has gone. It's over. And thus I introduce my new goal; every single day of my life, I will try and do something worth remembering. Not something huge, something amazing, something spectacular. Something that I can look back at and say "yeah. I'm glad I did that." Whether it's doing a bungee jump, making someone's day a little better by telling them how beautiful they are or simply by telling someone close how much they mean to you.
I will probably fail at this goal and this post most likely seems horrifically pretentious, but it's something I've known for a long time.
The past is gone. Mistakes made cannot be un-made. Why worry about them? Learn, and look forward. Make each day count because you never know, it could be your last.
And if you do anything, make sure that every person that means something to you knows exactly what they mean to you. Don't go on letting them think they mean a lot to you when in reality, they mean the world.
I have rambled on enough.
That is all.

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