Saturday, 29 May 2010

"the Bad Guy"

I am so sick of being made the bad guy. Everything I do, I do for others. I want to be there at all times for my friends and family. I want them to be able to trust me and rely on me. That's me, the nice, reliable guy. Always there when you need him. But as soon as I need someone to be there for me I find the tables have totally changed. When I'm grumpy it's "You've changed and you need to sort your problem out," or if I need someone to be there for me and to hold me up I'm "Selfish".
Fine then. I'll be a mean bastard and let you sort out your own shit then, shall I? I bet you'd love it if I told you to stop being so selfish or that you've changed and need to sort your own problems out. Yeah, I should do it for the shits and giggles.
Except I won't.
Because I care about people too bloody much.
Because this little voice deep inside me tells me "treat others the way you would like to be treated."

Friday, 28 May 2010

We're only human

There is an odd state of mind that comes with the level of celebrity. They appear to be these superhuman entities that are just a little bit better then you. Just cos. And as such they are under intense scrutiny. Now, we all really know that they're just people, same us us, but we still hold them in a more accountable state, for some odd reason. Because they're in the public eye everything they do is pretty much known by everyone. Especially their mistakes. I'm guilty of this myself, although I didn't think I was. Certain events that have unfolded in the past few hours have caused me to realise this.
The event in question is this: Hayley Williams twitter account/ computer got hacked. And the hacker posted a pic that Hayley took in which she had got her boobs out.
And this, for some reason, made me lose a little bit of respect for Hayley. I have a lot of love for her, not because she's gorgeous and extremely cute or whatever (although, that is part of it). Now, I don't know her personally, but whenever I see her being interviewed or whatever the thing that strikes me about her is how normal she is. She's the front woman for a platinum selling band yet she's still so humble. She lives in a little house in her home town and drives a beat up old car that her mum used to drive. The shows Paramore play are just the guys doing their thing and playing their music. There's no elaborate sets, no ostentatious multiple costume changes. She's there rocking out and getting sweaty with the other guys in the band.
But the fact that this real, damn awesome person that I see has taken these pics, even if she didn't mean to post them, made my respect and my view of her fall a little.
But then I started thinking about it. Why? Why should it? It changes nothing. She is human, same as me, and no human is perfect. I should know this better than anyone. Human society is built on mistakes and slip ups. It's who we are. Find me a human that has never made a mistake and I will find you a flying elephant.
In the words of Lilo from Lilo & Stitch: "Even Elvis slipped up sometimes." In fact he slipped up a lot.
Mistakes are what make us, constant reminders of those mistakes is what breaks us.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

It never ends...

Today, the boredom of this city hit me again. I am really starting to hate it here mainly because I have nothing to do. I can't just call someone and pop over to relax because even my friends here live, like, a 20 minute drive away. I have few friends. Granted, the ones I do have are amazing and I wouldn't change anything about them. But I wish more of them lived here. I have 2 really good friends that live in Norwich. That's it. It's so frustrating. Now you may say, come on. There's always a way to make new friends. Well, not for me there isn't. "Go out and have a good time with people from work?" No. All they care about is going out clubbing on the weekends and getting hammered. I can just about put up with them when I have to work with them. Placing myself in a situation that I cannot stand with people that I really do not like is just... No. No thanks.
My friends are all over the place. Sweden, Bournemouth, Ipswich. I hardly ever get to see them and I miss them every day. Why can't all the cool people that I love live in one place and me with them?
I miss having people to just sit and chat with. I can't wait for camp. For one whole week I'll be surrounded by people that are different to me, but all have one thing in common: christianity. I can't wait for those nights, sitting out under the stars talking about anything and everything. Can August be now please?
Neither can I wait for September. Minna's coming back. MINNA'S COMING BACK! Ooooh man I can't wait. The plan is for me to stay with her and the friends she's coming over with in London for three-ish days. I can not wait. I get to wake up knowing that I'm still in London and I can still talk to her and hang out. And it's gonna be beyond cool meeting Andreas and Mimmi (and anyone else that comes.) I really really want summer to go by pretty quick.
And then in the short term, half term is coming up. This means I gets a panda! ^_^ I really cant wait for this either. List of things currently planned: pretzels, photos, glompage, snuggles, talking, Lush (shop of bathy stuff. Only teh Gemma wants to go there. I'm not interested...), and chillage in the Norwich cathedral cloisters. I'm really looking forward to ACTUALLY doing something for once...
Anyways, I have moaned on enough. Ciao.

Friday, 21 May 2010

How funny

"Jesus got taken down. He was resuscitated, not resurrected." Matthew Bellamy.

I find this a hilarious statement. It's used quite a lot. Now, I hold my faith very strongly. There are many things thatr have made me who I am today and Christianity is the single greatest influence on how I live my life. I'm not saying that I'm perfect. I am very very far from it. But becoming a Christian was the single best thing I have ever done. And ever will do.
But this statement is ridiculous. Lets see, Jesus was whipped with a Roman scourge. It had a number of "tails" attatched to it which were plaited cord and at the tip of each tail there would have been a butterfly shaped blade made of bone or metal. It was designed to rip pieces of flesh from the body. He was then nailed to a cross, one nail through each hand and one through both his feet. The ancient Romans didn't have advanced nail making techniques. These would have been rough nails with a square cross section made by a blacksmith. They wouldn't have gone through his hands easily. They would have smashed the tarsal and carpal bones as they were driven through his hands and feet. He was then hung for hours in the baking heat. Crucifiction was designed to kill by asphyxiation. The weight of your entire body was supported by your arms. Your chest muscles would be stretched making it very hard to breathe. Victims would then try to pull themselved up by their arms to take a breath. This would cause extreme pain; the full weight of the body is supported by the hands which have nails through them. After hours, or maybe even days hanging there without food or water the legs of the victim were usually broken to speed up the death and they would eventually die an agonizingly painful death.
Whilst Jesus was still on the cross, the Roman Soldiers came to break the legs of the other criminals but when they came to Jesus they found him already dead so there was no need to break his legs. However, to make sure he was dead, one of the soldiers took his sword and impaled it in Jesus's side. When he drew it out, blood and "water" flowed out from the wound.
Now, Jesus was taken down from the cross early. But this was because he had already died. Honestly, Jesus was one of the most hated men that ever existed. Do you think the Jewish leaders and Romans would have let him be taken away if there was ANY possibility of him still being alive? No. They would be totally mad to let him be taken away if there was a slight chance of hin still being alive yet dormant.
In my honest opinion, the idea that Jesus could have possibly been rescusitated is totally ridiculous. Any human being that goes through such an incredible ordeal stands no chance of surviving. It's not up for debate. It's physically impossible.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Neutron Star Collision

Yesterday, the new song by Muse came out; Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever). Now, I'm not particularly ecstatic about the Twilight saga thing that Muse have going on, but I can't say no to a new Muse track so I went straight to the Muse website and downloaded it. I wasn't expecting much...
But I was pleasantly surprised. The song is cheesy, granted. I mean, Matthew Bellamy singing "LOVE! IS FOREEEVVVEEEEEEERR! AND IF WE DIE! WE DIE TOGEEETHEEERRRRR!" with full on conviction and gusto is hard to take seriously. And it could do with some more classic muse "unf". But it works. It fits with the cheesy, glam rock route that they're taking lately and, you know what, it could have been far worse. If you can block out the litte voice that sits in the back of your head shouting "IT'S FOR THAT STUPID TWILIGHT MOVIE, DON'T FORGET!!! MUST NOT BE TRUSTED!" then it's a perfectly decent song. Not terrible, not blinding. And the musicality of it is really quite good too. The synths are cool, and I like the drums. They, along with the bass, kinda remind me of Knights of Cydonia. The guitar in it is pretty sweet too. And the song finishes with a stunning piano instrumental with a bit of Matt's oOoOoOoOoOoOo-ing.

Oooh, lyricsss!

I was searching you were on a mission
Then our hearts combined like a neutron star collision
I have nothing left to lose
You took your time to choose
Then we told each other with no trace of fear that

Our love would be forever
And if we die, we die together
Well I, I said never
Cause our love would be forever

The world is broken, halos fail to glisten
We try to make a difference but no one wants to listen
Hail the preachers, fake and proud
Their doctrines will be cloud
Then they'll dissipate like snowflakes in an ocean

Love is forever and we’ll die
We’ll die together
Well I, I said never
Cause our love, could be forever

*guitar solo*

Now I’ve got nothing left to lose
You take your side to choose
I can tell you now without a trace of fear

That my love will be forever
And well die, we’ll die together
Will I, I will never
Cause our love will be foreverLike I said, it's cheesy to the max. But it kinda works in a weird way.

Monday, 17 May 2010


Very often we must choose between what is right and what is easy. Very often, the easy choice is exactly what we want. The right choice may not be so attractive to us, but deep down we know it's right and it's what we need. But this is the problem we'll always face; we'll always have to ask ourselves the question "is this thing that I want worth sacrificing what's right?" We could hold onto and experience what we want for the short term but eventually lose it, that's the only thing that can happen. Or we could acknowledge that it's what we want, but what is right is more important.

A guy had a very good friend. She was one of the best friends he'd ever had. As he continued to talk to her ideas were introduced and thoughts came into his head. "This person is amazing. In all honesty, I know we would be perfect together." This is what would be easy. This is exactly what he wants. However, he considers these things; thinks them over. "Am I willing to go for this and to push on into the unkonwn?" he asks himself. Is it worth it? Days go by and he still thinks on these things.
The easy option; a short time with this person as his girlfriend. It's everything he wants but he knows it will end sooner or later.
The right option; a lifetime with this person as a friend.
Why the deliberation? It seems an easy choice now. A special place in his heart is now occupied by this person, if she were to leave it would be terrible. He asked himself, "Do I want to know what it's like to say 'she is no longer a part of my life'?"
No. He did not. The unknown is exciting. But, sometimes, you must keep away from it to hold on to something wonderful.

There comes a time in everyone's lives when they must decide between what is right and what is easy. The fool chooses what is easy.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

thoughts and ramblings

He went outside to get some fresh air. He'd been in his room so long that the stillness had started to get to him. He felt irritable, itchy all over. He rolled up the edges of his comfortable jeans so he wouldn't step on them as he went outside. He didn't feel like wearing any shoes; the coolness of the grass between his toes would be refreshing. He walked quietly through the living room where his mum lay asleep on the sofa. She had had a long day and he didn't want to wake her. He unlocked the back door and slipped out. As he stood on the grass he closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the cool, sweet night air. It was still, there was barely any traffic noise. For a moment he felt calm and content, but that was until he looked up at the night sky expecting to see stars. Instead, he saw a dull, blank, empty expanse lit by the dull glow of light pollution from the city. And he hated it. He hated everything about that moment. He clenched his fist, he gritted his teeth. His brows sunk down into a scowl. He hated living so close to a city, there was never a moment when it was totally silent and there was always that glow blotting out most of the stars, if not all of them. At that moment he hated every single person living in that city. Every single person lighting up the sky with their pitiful, pathetic lives that he didn't care anything about.
He closed his eyes tight and shook his head to try and clear this dark haze that was in his mind. He didn't like having thoughts and feelings like that. But it's difficult to shake discontent and hate and wanderlust off. He felt like he was trapped in a tiny box - like the sky was merely 6 or so feet above his head; only just out of his reach. He looked up at the sky for one final time, turned and walked slowly up the back steps of his house, his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his jeans.
He was stuck. Stuck in this little box with no sign of escape. With a sigh he gripped the handle of the door and pushed back inside.


Thursday night. I hate Norwich more and more. I need to get out for a bit, and soon.

Sticks and stones...

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Except sometimes they do. A lot.
Banter is good fun and I enjoy it, but sometimes some people take it too far. If the person being ribbed is wiping away the occasional tear and has the distinct body language of someone that was distinctly uncomfortable, you know you've gone too far. But I find it amazing that some people can't see when this has happened.
*Sigh* Nothing will change. Life goes on.

Friday, 14 May 2010


Okay, so this is going to be a bit of an effeminate post because I'm talking about my hair. So, right from the start, I'm at a loss.

Anyway, This morning, the most epic hair style that has ever been created on the top of my head was revealed. See pic above for refference.
However, tragically, it was squashed. Irrevocably.
Oh well :(

Muse - Neutron Star Collision

Muse - "30 Second Sneak Peek: Muse 'Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)'"
Wow. I'm actually looking forward to this song, despite the Twishite connection... Oh yay, more twilight fagirls screaming that they love muse when all they know is Super Massive Black Hole, I belong to you (crappy remix version) and Neutron Star Collision.
Anyway, I have no time to rant on. I have many more important things to be doing. Like boning up on Nerdfighteria.

random days and nights

Thank goodness for skype. That's all I can say. It is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.
I love the random nights I have on skype with Minna. The laughing, the discussions, the planning. We can't be in the same place, but we almost can. :P I miss her a lot and Skype helps. Doesn't help with how much I want to hug her though. But, that will be rectified in September. LONDON BAYBEY!
Anyway, as we have a habit of doing, we talked quite late... About 3 I think it was. One of the coolest things was that it didn't actually get really dark in Kiruna; It's getting c
lose to the time of year when they have midnight sun. How can one place be so infinately cool. SUN. AT FRIGGIN MIDNIGHT. Hngggggggg. (that's the sound of me having an aneurism from how cool Sweden is.)

Yesterday was a pretty cool day. Now, first I must add than I'm not a football guy. I generally find it boring, if I h
ave no connection to it. I have only a vauge interest in the ups and downs of my home team, Norwich City FC. But yesterday was a special occasion, the celebration of our promotion from league 1. We're up and we're going to stay up. But still, I didn't really have a clue what was going on... :P Did I know any chants? Nope. Could I have pointed out any of the players? No chance. (I never felt more nerdfighterish in my life...) But it felt good to get out and be a part of it. It was totally packed. They reckoned that there was about 350,000 people there! I took a couple of pictures to demonstrate the crowdeness. It got even more packed after I took these pics! It was mental. But it was a good feeling. But yeah, due to the roads being blocked off for the open top bus tour that the players took, the normal bus service was screwed. Meaning I had to walk home from the city centre. It's about an hour and a half's walk... Yay me! Oh well, at least it's good exercise. :P But I was so knackered last night. I went to bed at just after midnight which is unusual for me... Combined with the late night skyping I had, I was pretty zonked. :P Didn't get up till just gone 9 this morning lol.

I've just realised that I'm smuggling rasins so I think it's time to close my window and warm up a bit, so I will end with this.
"Fear less.
Hope more.
Eat less.
Chew more.
Whine less.
Breathe more.
Talk less.
Say more.
Love more and all good things will be yours."
Swedish proverb (which is only coincidental.)


Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Bring it on

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" - Helen Keller.

I'm looking forward to what's coming, though I don't know what it is. I used to be scared about what was coming, because I can't see ahead. I can't see the future and I can't see the paths ahead, let alone which one I should take. But I was thinking the other day. I crave new and exciting things. I crave adventure. And then it struck me: what's more new and exciting than going into a new day not having a clue what's going to happen? Right now, I have no restrictions - I don't know what I'll be doing each day. I realised something; life is an adventure.
Where am I going? I have no idea. What am I going to do for the rest of my life? No clue.
And that's a huge adventure. I could do anything I want. I could be anything I want. And that no longer scares me. Quite the opposite, it excites me.


Now, despite that I am totally full of wanderlust. More needs to be seen and done. I'm getting itchy feet again. I wanna see the world. That being said, I'm more content in Norwich (but only a tiny bit).
I can't wait for summer. I've got camp and that's gonna be great, I can't wait to see all the friends I made there in the past again. I wish I'd started going earlier, I only have another 5 years after this one. It's only just struck me how few I have left; six more. That's next to nothing and I'm really gonna miss it when it's time to stop. I don't want it to stop, it's far too good. But, nonetheless, I can't wait. Good friends, good teaching; I always love the time spent there. A goal this year is to sleep out under the stars. Or at least, to stay out as long as I can. The site's on the coast, away from any big towns. This means very little light pollution - ergo, lots of visible stars. <3>
  • Muse
  • Minna and (hopefully) some of her friends
Within the same month. It's going to be so awesome. Hopefully, I'll be spending a few days down in London with Minna and some of her friends. That will be very very cool.
But Muse... Oh man... I can't adequately describe how excited I am about seeing Muse live. This not only going to be my first time seeing them live, but my first live concert! Starting off with a strong start. ;) Honestly, every time I listen to any of the live Muse tracks I have, my excitement about it grows a little more. It. Will. Be. AMAZING.

End of post. Good night.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Incredible events

I never thought I'd see this day. It's shocking and fantastic and incedible all at the same time.
My sister tends not to eat a lot in one sitting. She eats enough, just not in one go.
So, imagine my shock and surprise when, at lunch today, she had not only seconds but THIRDS of pudding! D:
I just feel the need to archive this monumentous day.
09/05/2010 - my sister actually ate a reasonable amount in one sitting.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

The Ark - Have You Ever Heard a Song

Have you ever heard a song that you wish would never end?
Did you ever have a conversation with a real good friend
That you wish would just go on and on and on forever more?
Then you know what I'm looking for
Then you know what I'm looking for

Did you ever have a taste in your mouth of something new?
In the beginning it was strange, until suddenly it grew
Into something that you knew you didn't want to live without
Then you know what I'm talking about
Then you know what I'm talking about

Did you ever have a dream, where you actually could fly?
And by some odd lovely reason, didn't ask for reasons why
And you'd wake up feeling strong and glad to meet a brand new day
Then you know what I'm trying to say
Then you know what I'm trying to say

La la la laaa, la la laaaa
La la laaaa, la la laaa, la la
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ah

Well I don't believe in class, and I don't believe in taste
I believe in simple happiness, and I believe in avoiding waste
I believe in endless winter nights with good friends and good wine
I believe in endless summer nights, good friends and feeling fine

La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Oooh ooh aah

Ranty vent

There are several things getting on my goat atm and I have decided to blog it out.

Muse. I am such a fantastically huge muse fan, as you well know if you're a reasonably good friend of mine. But what is going on, Muse? No one, but no one wants to see your continued relationship with that awful *cough* "vampire" series. I say vampire, but they're not really vampires, are they... Now, the twilight franchise has attracted a certain brand of fan; Kids around 12-13, that have latched onto the Twilight franchise. That includes anything that touches it, including the music. Including Muse. Now, I have no issue in people genuinely becoming fans of Muse through Twilight. Neither do I have an issue with people just having the one song from the movie(s) on their iPods because they have the soundtrack. However, the majority of the time that isn't what happens. You get kids being all "OMG, MYOOSE ARE DA GRATEST. I'M LYK DERE BIGGEST FAN!!1one!" You look through their ipod and what songs do they have? Just Super Massive Black Hole... You play them some stuff from Origin of Symmetry and Absolution and this is the general reaction: "OMG, WTF IS DIS SHIT!?!?"
This winds me up no end and I am sure it sounds like some old dude moaning about "the youth of today". Bah, I don't care.

Now, to the other extreme; ultra obsessives. This is addressed to a particular individual representing a particular type of muse fan.
Now, I have no doubt that you're a huge Muse fan. I know this, you're one of the biggest I know of. But you're such an arse about it, seriously. Consider yourself bloody lucky. You've seen Muse, what, nearly 20 times now and you're only a couple of years older than me. I'm going to see Muse in September and it will be one of the most amazing days of my life. So I would like to kindly request that you shut your fat face and stop complaing about "how bad the setlist was" or "how crappy the support act was". You had the luck of seeing Muse live during the Absolution era so you got some of the best setlists ever. Some of us weren't so lucky. So stop your whining. You don't like it? Don't go. Let some other kid that's been dying to see Muse for ages and would go absolutely nuts over that "crap setlist." You're ungrateful, and you annoy the heck outta me. Go away.

Here endeth the rant.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Chameleon Circuit etc

Behold. The epittomy of geekiness. The debut album by Chameleon Circuit. With it comes a whole new genre of music: trock, or "time lord rock". Yes, an entire cd of songs based on Doctor Who. And it's pretty darn epic, I must say. It actually has some really awesome songs; An Awful Lot of Running, Type 40, Blink, Journey's End, Exterminate Regenerate are legitimately awesome songs, catchy and just fun.
So yeah, I was pretty excited when this came through the post this morning. I also got a cool DFTBA Records sticker which is now proudly displayed on my laptop. :P

In other music news, I am slowly becoming a NIN boy. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for NIN, generally because they're good to listen to when I'm angry... I love The Great Destryer, it's a great song to sing along to. And yesterday I downloaded some more NIN. The Slip and Ghosts I-IV.
The Slip was a free download from and Ghosts I-IV was $5. Five dollars for 36 tracks. Ghosts is a really amazing album; it's all instrumental, but that's just the beginning. There are four "Ghosts", I-IV, and each one is split into 9 parts. It's incredible; despite having no lyrics it's so emotive. Each track is different, and I love it.
As of yet, I haven't heard the Slip. I'm looking forward to it. I have high hopes.


This morning I also got a nice wedge of dvds from (3 in one envelope, which is unusual... but anyway). Soon to be playing: The Goonies, The Blues Brothers and Changeling (but not all at the same time... that would be silly). This is shocking to know, but I've never seen any of these. Ever. It's a poor show on my part, but it is soon to be rectified. The only problem now is, which one first... I'm thinking The Blues Brothers. Classic. Good music. No complaints here.

So yeah, today's been pretty good so far! Got all this good stuff this morning then we had the mum's and toddler's group at church (it's called Little Acorns). That's always good fun, although some of the kids are a bit scared of me X) I guess it's the whole big, beardy guy with glasses image that I have. It could be pretty imposing to small kids... Thing is, the majority of them are girls. :P But then there's Matthew and Chloe; Kerry (their mum) told me about something Matthew said before Mum's n toddlers on Wed.
Kerry: Matthew, who are you going to see at Little Acorns?
Matthew: BEN!
Kerry: Who else?
Matthew: CARRIE!
Kerry: Who else?
Matthew: ABI!
Kerry: Anyone else?
Matthew: BEEN!
Yeah, I have a friend :P (yaaay)

Recently I've been feeling a compulsion that I haven't had for quite some time. Since Malika, my crested gecko, died I have had no urge to get any form or reptile.
Until now. I really would like another reptile. Probably a snake this time... Not a corn snake though. They're kinda boring, really common. But that means they'd be cheap... Hmmm. I don't know. well, anyway, I want a reptile. OOOH! Maybe a Morroccan Uromatyx...

Well, anyway, I feel I have rambled on enough now. I think it's time I got a bowl of soapy water and cleaned out my vacant vivarium.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Snow Patrol - Give Me Strength

I choked back tears today
Cause I can't begin to say
How much you've shaped this boy
These last ten years or more

My friends, we've seen it all
Triumphs to drunken falls
And our bones are broken still
But our hearts are joined until

Time slips it's tired hand
Into our tired hands
We've years 'til that day
And so much more to say

You give the strength to me
The strength I never had
I was a mess you see
I'd lost the plot so bad

You've dragged me up and out
Out of the darkest place
There's not a single doubt
When I can see your faces

My friends we've seen it all
When it made no sense at all

You dared to light my path
And found the beauty in the aftermath

Let me hold you up
Like you held me up
It's too long to never say this
You must know I've always thought

You give the strength to me
The strength I've never had
I was a mess you see
I'd lost the plot so bad

You dragged me up and out
Out of the darkest place
There's not a single doubt
When I can see your faces

You give the strength to me
The strength I've never had
I was a mess you see
I'd lost the plot so bad

You dragged me up and out
Out of the darkest place
There's not a single doubt
When I can see your faces

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

May the fourth be with you.

Today is international Star Wars day. I have been determined to greet everyone with "May the force be with you." So far, I have been successful!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Epic Fail (or not)


Bank holiday monday

A good day was had today. A good and slightly random day. I ventured bravely into enemy territory; Ipswich. Were I found to be a foreigner I was likely to be hung, drawn and quartered. Fortunately, I know a double agent. Someone on the inside who can cover for me, put the natives off the scent. I can only name her as "Panda". Our mission for today; randomness. Our mission was successful.
Our day was a little dampened by annoying and unfortinate circumstances but I will not dwell on them.
I love random banter, much was had in our roaming of Ipswich town. As we were rambling around the town, I in my quick sig
htedness spotted that someone was trying to get a message to operative Panda:
We never did figure out what they were trying to say... Anyway.
After looking at books during which ensued a slight conflict regarding the *gag* twilight saga, looking at converses (there were some vereh nice ones), and a visit to the toy shop (we had to, I love toys due to the fact that I am a child) we purchased some subs. We went to the chavvy subway, but it was okay because the chavs were all still in bed.
I was pretty much spoiled by Panda today... She
bought me sweets, she bought me a sub, paid for my Epic Fail t-shirt... Yeah, I was spoiled...
Ipswich got boring after a while so we went back to Panda's home base and watched Avatar. It wasn't bad. Impressive visual effects were impressive although it wasn't any masterpiece. I was kept happy, it had yummy mecha in it :D I like mecha...
Random picture of us as we headed back to the train station. Yeah, I had a good day.
