Saturday, 8 May 2010

Ranty vent

There are several things getting on my goat atm and I have decided to blog it out.

Muse. I am such a fantastically huge muse fan, as you well know if you're a reasonably good friend of mine. But what is going on, Muse? No one, but no one wants to see your continued relationship with that awful *cough* "vampire" series. I say vampire, but they're not really vampires, are they... Now, the twilight franchise has attracted a certain brand of fan; Kids around 12-13, that have latched onto the Twilight franchise. That includes anything that touches it, including the music. Including Muse. Now, I have no issue in people genuinely becoming fans of Muse through Twilight. Neither do I have an issue with people just having the one song from the movie(s) on their iPods because they have the soundtrack. However, the majority of the time that isn't what happens. You get kids being all "OMG, MYOOSE ARE DA GRATEST. I'M LYK DERE BIGGEST FAN!!1one!" You look through their ipod and what songs do they have? Just Super Massive Black Hole... You play them some stuff from Origin of Symmetry and Absolution and this is the general reaction: "OMG, WTF IS DIS SHIT!?!?"
This winds me up no end and I am sure it sounds like some old dude moaning about "the youth of today". Bah, I don't care.

Now, to the other extreme; ultra obsessives. This is addressed to a particular individual representing a particular type of muse fan.
Now, I have no doubt that you're a huge Muse fan. I know this, you're one of the biggest I know of. But you're such an arse about it, seriously. Consider yourself bloody lucky. You've seen Muse, what, nearly 20 times now and you're only a couple of years older than me. I'm going to see Muse in September and it will be one of the most amazing days of my life. So I would like to kindly request that you shut your fat face and stop complaing about "how bad the setlist was" or "how crappy the support act was". You had the luck of seeing Muse live during the Absolution era so you got some of the best setlists ever. Some of us weren't so lucky. So stop your whining. You don't like it? Don't go. Let some other kid that's been dying to see Muse for ages and would go absolutely nuts over that "crap setlist." You're ungrateful, and you annoy the heck outta me. Go away.

Here endeth the rant.

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