So yeah, I was pretty excited when this came through the post this morning. I also got a cool DFTBA Records sticker which is now proudly displayed on my laptop. :P
In other music news, I am slowly becoming a NIN boy. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for NIN, generally because they're good to listen to when I'm angry... I love The Great Destryer, it's a great song to sing along to. And yesterday I downloaded some more NIN. The Slip and Ghosts I-IV.
The Slip was a free download from nin.com and Ghosts I-IV was $5. Five dollars for 36 tracks. Ghosts is a really amazing album; it's all instrumental, but that's just the beginning. There are four "Ghosts", I-IV, and each one is split into 9 parts. It's incredible; despite having no lyrics it's so emotive. Each track is different, and I love it.
As of yet, I haven't heard the Slip. I'm looking forward to it. I have high hopes.
This morning I also got a nice wedge of dvds from LOVEFiLM.com (3 in one envelope, which is unusual... but anyway). Soon to be playing: The Goonies, The Blues Brothers and Changeling (but not all at the same time... that would be silly). This is shocking to know, but I've never seen any of these. Ever. It's a poor show on my part, but it is soon to be rectified. The only problem now is, which one first... I'm thinking The Blues Brothers. Classic. Good music. No complaints here.
So yeah, today's been pretty good so far! Got all this good stuff this morning then we had the mum's and toddler's group at church (it's called Little Acorns). That's always good fun, although some of the kids are a bit scared of me X) I guess it's the whole big, beardy guy with glasses image that I have. It could be pretty imposing to small kids... Thing is, the majority of them are girls. :P But then there's Matthew and Chloe; Kerry (their mum) told me about something Matthew said before Mum's n toddlers on Wed.
Kerry: Matthew, who are you going to see at Little Acorns?
Matthew: BEN!
Kerry: Who else?
Matthew: CARRIE!
Kerry: Who else?
Matthew: ABI!
Kerry: Anyone else?
Matthew: BEEN!
Yeah, I have a friend :P (yaaay)
Recently I've been feeling a compulsion that I haven't had for quite some time. Since Malika, my crested gecko, died I have had no urge to get any form or reptile.
Until now. I really would like another reptile. Probably a snake this time... Not a corn snake though. They're kinda boring, really common. But that means they'd be cheap... Hmmm. I don't know. well, anyway, I want a reptile. OOOH! Maybe a Morroccan Uromatyx...
Well, anyway, I feel I have rambled on enough now. I think it's time I got a bowl of soapy water and cleaned out my vacant vivarium.
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