Our day was a little dampened by annoying and unfortinate circumstances but I will not dwell on them.
I love random banter, much was had in our roaming of Ipswich town. As we were rambling around the town, I in my quick sightedness spotted that someone was trying to get a message to operative Panda:

After looking at books during which ensued a slight conflict regarding the *gag* twilight saga, looking at converses (there were some vereh nice ones), and a visit to the toy shop (we had to, I love toys due to the fact that I am a child) we purchased some subs. We went to the chavvy subway, but it was okay because the chavs were all still in bed.
I was pretty much spoiled by Panda today... She bought me sweets, she bought me a sub, paid for my Epic Fail t-shirt... Yeah, I was spoiled...
Ipswich got boring after a while so we went back to Panda's home base and watched Avatar. It wasn't bad. Impressive visual effects were impressive although it wasn't any masterpiece. I was kept happy, it had yummy mecha in it :D I like mecha...

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