random days and nights
Thank goodness for skype. That's all I can say. It is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.
I love the random nights I have on skype with Minna. The laughing, the discussions, the planning. We can't be in the same place, but we almost can. :P I miss her a lot and Skype helps. Doesn't help with how much I want to hug her though. But, that will be rectified in September. LONDON BAYBEY!
Anyway, as we have a habit of doing, we talked quite late... About 3 I think it was. One of the coolest things was that it didn't actually get really dark in Kiruna; It's getting close to the time of year when they have midnight sun. How can one place be so infinately cool. SUN. AT FRIGGIN MIDNIGHT. Hngggggggg. (that's the sound of me having an aneurism from how cool Sweden is.)
Yesterday was a pretty cool day. Now, first I must add than I'm not a football guy. I generally find it boring, if I ha
ve no connection to it. I have only a vauge interest in the ups and downs of my home team, Norwich City FC. But yesterday was a special occasion, the celebration of our promotion from league 1. We're up and we're going to stay up. But still, I didn't really have a clue what was going on... :P Did I know any chants? Nope. Could I have pointed out any of the players? No chance. (I never felt more nerdfighterish in my life...) But it felt good to get out and be a part of it. It was totally packed. They reckoned that there was about 350,000 people there! I took a couple of pictures to demonstrate the crowdenes
s. It got even more packed after I took these pics! It was mental. But it was a good feeling. But yeah, due to the roads being blocked off for the open top bus tour that the players took, the normal bus service was screwed. Meaning I had to walk home from the city centre. It's about an hour and a half's walk... Yay me! Oh well, at least it's good exercise. :P But I was so knackered last night. I went to bed at just after midnight which is unusual for me... Combined with the late night skyping I had, I was pretty zonked. :P Didn't get up till just gone 9 this morning lol.
I've just realised that I'm smuggling rasins so I think it's time to close my window and warm up a bit, so I will end with this.
"Fear less.
Hope more.
Eat less.
Chew more.
Whine less.
Breathe more.
Talk less.
Say more.
Love more and all good things will be yours."
Swedish proverb (which is only coincidental.)
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