So, I've decided to take a bit of a plunge and take part in my first nerdy, online community type thing event. I am (all being well) going to write a blog post every day in April, obviously starting tomorrow. However this is a simple post of babble. Well, I posted this after midnight so it's technically my first BEDA post but I'm gonna do another one later. :P
I like the idea of BEDA. It's a bit of a challenge for me what with my blogging being somewhat... inconsistent to say the least. However I have always felt like a bit of a side-liner when it came to the world of the intertubes. Reading blogs, watching vlogs and wishing I could be a part of that society but having no talent to exhibit, no ability to adequately express opinion and no real content to put in a vlog. But I feel like that's changing for some unexplainable reason. I still don't feel like I'm interesting enough/ nerdy enough to maintain a vlog but nonetheless, blogging is becoming easier. I think it's possibly down to my coursework. Writing essays and assignments has given me a bit of experience with writing in a more academic and potentially detailed fashion which, while not necessarily directly associable with blogging, may have helped. But anyway, communicating ideas and thoughts is becoming more natural. It's flowing a lot more freely.
I've also lately been feeling this weird desire to make a podcast and I don't really know why. I have found two new favourites lately; Nerd Hurdles and the Nerdist podcasts. Up until now, the podcasts I've listened to have been professional, clean-cut, recorded in a proper studio. Obviously something I would never be able to do, but now I've been listening to these podcasts recorded, edited and uploaded by nerds. Average Joes, I believe; certainly Nerd Hurdles is. But this whole new view of podcasts has given me this weird desire to start a podcast. Maybe a Doctor Who review type show... You never know, it might happen... but until then, hey, a guy can dream.
I feel that I am part of the internet society. There are times when I feel like I could be more involved, as I do with the Nerdfighter community. But I love being a part of this world of online interaction and connection. I'm very sure that I speak for many when I say that I feel more accepted and more comfortable interacting with others online then I do with many people IRL.
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