Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Doctor Who: Season 6

As is pretty obvious from this blog, I am a pretty big Doctor Who fan. One might say a Whovian, for that is what I am. The sixth season is imminent and there's a lot of theories and ideas floating around; a few teaser trailers have been seen about with some hints from the Moff as to what happens early on in season 6.
One of the biggest hints has been the revelation that one of the main team will die in the first episode of the season. When I first read this hint I started thinking over who it would be. There are a lot of people I know who would like to see it be River but, let's face it, it won't be her. There's too much mystery about her and besides, she dies in The Library. You have to bear in mind that, from our perspective, the events which we see her in are going backwards. If she died in this season we wouldn't have seen her later on.
It won't be the Doctor; that's just plain and simple, he won't be the one to die because he's the Doctor (and Matt Smith has signed up for season 7. Oops, spoilers.)
That leaves Amy and Rory. It could be either of them but there's just too much mystery that surrounds Amy and I just can't see the writers killing her out of the show in the first episode. There's too much future development in her character for the writers to go "bye bye!"
And so that leaves... Mr Pond. I don't want to admit it really but I think Rory is the one. I think he's the member that's going to be bumped off and I really don't want him to. However, we know what the Moff is like. I have this feeling that he's likely to include some plot arc in that Rory is some kind of space and time paradox: a recurring miracle, if you will. He was swallowed by the crack and reappeared as a Roman then was transformed back into a Human when the world was re-started. What if... what if he is an anomaly now. He ceased to exist and then existed again. It's Jack Harkness syndrome: once you're resurrected, you're always resurrected. Although it's a bit cheap re-using an arc from a previous season. But it could happen.

As for River Song... Don't get me started. There is a plethora of theories on the intertubes that try to explain her secret and I can hardly make head or tail of them. One thing that struck me was the Amy Pond - River Song theory. I don't know... It has potential in my opinion; they both have a lot of mystery about them. Why are they both so special... I dunno, it's a tenuous and potentially weak link... but it has potential. Also, there is the combination link of Rory's (potential) death and River killing "A very good man. Best man I've ever known."
Could the man whom River killed which put her into Stormcage be Rory?
I did for about ten seconds entertain the thought that River might be the Doctor's sister, but that theory was squashed by the clip of River kissing him in the trailer... Yeah, that one's out the window. It also throws out the idea of her being Jenny, the Doctor's Daughter (oh how much fun we've been having with that phrase lately). In all honesty, I don't have any theory that I'm holding onto. Although I really can't see her being the Doctor's wife. I just can't see it...

One thing that really bugs me and intrigues me is the proto-TARDIS from the lodger. Who made it and why did they make it? When the Doctor went into it, it said that the "correct pilot had been found" or words to that effect. I know that Omega is coming back in this season; I wonder if it's his TARDIS, or a copy of one that he tried to make. There's also that clip in the trailer of a raggedy, beardy old Doctor tied up. Maybe he was being held by the US military and they forced him to make them a TARDIS. It seems like a US secret police, CIA type thing to do. :P I don't know... But I'm sure we'll see proto again this season.

This is one of the things I love about this fandom; it's just so involving. I mean, I'm sitting here and my mind is buzzing about possibilities and ideas about season 6. I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know one thing. It's Doctor Who, and that means it's gonna be one hell of a ride.

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