Monday, 4 April 2011


I promise that this won't become a regular occurrence... You see, the thing is, when you upload a post a day late you then get into the mindset of, "Ok, that's my post for the day done..." It's not until 12:30 ish till you realise that, oh wait... You need to do a blog post. By that time the laptop is off and you can't be bothered to boot up and so you do what I do. Like the old-skool kid I am, I hand wrote it. Yes, I am currently typing this up from a hand written, hard copy! Well... I will be when I actually start typing the post.


Well, moving forward as all great men do, the reason I missed out this post earlier was partly because I forgot about it... I mean, when you publish a blog post in the morning it's easy to forget that you actually typed it the day before, know what I mean? But that's not the only reason. I also got caught up in some Samurai Jack. Yes, I have recently downloaded seasons 1-4 of SJ and I am so excited to see the rest of it. I watched a large chunk of season 1 tonight and I had forgotten how good it was. One thing that you miss out on when you're watching random episodes on Toonami when you can at your Grandparent's house is how well the story progresses. It's something that would have been lost on me at the age I was when I first watched it. Okay, granted it's a kids TV show about a Samurai who is sent into the future by an evil demon. But, regardless of that, I really enjoy it and not just for the nostalgia factor. Putting aside that element (the one that makes me go "ooh, I am 14 again) I, against my better judgement perhaps, really enjoy Samurai Jack. I do. I can't help it; it's just... A good cartoon.

I don't want to risk sounding like and old fart but I am yet to see cartoons made to the standard that they were when I was watching them for the first time. I'm not going to fall into a rant about how cartoons these days aren't anything like as good as they were. That's not what this post is about... But watching a season back from beginning to end, you start to notice things. Character progression, plot arcs... I don't really know where I'm going with this...

I guess what I'm trying to say is this; just because something is a cartoon, doesn't mean it holds nothing for adults. A programme can be aimed primarily at children however but that doesn't mean it will hold nothing for adults. And that doesn't have to be jokes which are subtly risqué so adults will get a good chuckle and a quizzical look from their kids as they watch the cartoon with them. Some have complex sub plots, subtle character development points, detailed plot arcs and other, similar things. I've lately found this in a lot of the cartoons I used to watch as a kid. They appeal to me as an adult, beyond and above the simple nostalgia of watching a TV show I watched when I was a kid.

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