Thursday, 7 April 2011

These Are the Days...

UGH, man I hate days like these. You know what I mean? These kinda days suck major Pikachu.
Today was a day of initial optimism and commitment. I woke up with a sense of assurance that I was going to work solidly and work well today. I was going to get up at a decent time, I was going to start promptly, avoid too much distraction and get a good day's work knocked out.

But yeeeeeeeeah, it didn't turn out that way... That whole plan when out the window as soon as I remembered that I had an emulator Pokémon Fire Red on my phone. Not a good thing to remember, my friends! Couple of hours later and I was regretting it. Because it was getting on towards lunch time. And no work had been done. No. Work. At. All. Never a good place to be in.
"Never mind!" I told myself. "After lunch, it will be a different story; I can get on and get through a decent chunk of work. Yeah, that'll fine, right?"
I say down and opened my book, whipped out the old refill pad. I hit play on the old iPod, commencing a playlist of good, focussing soundtracks; there was some Inception, some Star Wars, some Lord of the Rings, and various other stuff. It was only then I discovered that I was in that particularly infuriating brand of mind-frame where by I cannot concentrate on anything remotely academic for anything longer than 30 seconds (and that's at best). I tried to do some work, but to no avail. "It's fine, I can deal with this," I told myself. A quick walk, breath of fresh air, a little bit of mental, visual and aural stimulation and I'd be fine.
Yeah, right.
I came home and the same scenario exacted itself upon me, to my extreme annoyance. By this time the afternoon was plodding on it's weary course and began to accept a dank fact that flopped about like a wet towel on a washing line: there was no way I was getting any work done today at all.

And so, with a sigh that echoed from the depth of my heart, I closed my course books and put them away. I dropped my head back with a groan of exasperation; this was not the day I had planned. With a shrug of resignation and a shake of my I picked up my phone, turned on my emulator and loaded Pokemon.

MAN, I hate days like these.

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