Monday 20 December 2010


That one word has an awful lot of inherrant sadness attached to it. Empty... I guess you could say that it's a sad word. It brings to mind ideas of something hollow, missing a part, a piece. Missing something to make it complete.
That's kinda how I feel right now. I have no consistent internet access. Certainly nothing with which I can skype... I haven't seen Gemma in the flesh since the 12th. I haven't skyped with her for goodness knows how long, probably a similar amount of time.
I really really miss her. I miss not spending time randomly chatting about nothing in particular each evening. I miss seeing her face, even if I can't touch it... or kiss it. I miss her.
Two weeks till the phone etc gets transferred over. Two weeks seems like an age. >_< I want it to be now, I want to see her... I hate this distance, even thiough it's not that great a distance. But that almost makes it worse. I know she's only a 30-40 minute train journey away. The feeling of her being just out of reach is so frustrating. I totally can't wait for Wednesday, I just hope the trains aren't delayed or whatever... If they are, that's it. No Ipswich. No Gemma. I don't get to see her, I don't get to hold her, I don't get to kiss her.
The trains had better be running.



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