Saturday 3 April 2010

Friends: life without them is empty

Compared to some, I don't have a lot of friends. There are some people you see with dozens and dozens of friends and they hang out in mahoosive groups. That is not for me. I'm a "less is more" kinda guy. I have a relatively small circle of friends but most of them I can go to for anything. And I mean anything. Some I can go to for certain things, others for other things, and some for absolutely anything. I am so thankful for the friends I have. Now, this post may come accross as a little soppy and all that, but I'm a soppy guy... So sue me. :P
I literally wouldn't know what I'd do if I didn't have the friends I do have. They've helped me through hard times in my life. They've shared my deepest, darkest secrets. They've made me laugh. They've cried with me. They've put up with my moaning, whining, groaning, mumbling and grumbling about the most stupid things. They've shared some of the best moments in my life. They've taught me new things about myself. They've held a mirror up to me and shown me what kind of person I am. They've given me more self confidence than I've ever had. They've proven that my trust is well placed, many a time. They've seen me at my best. They've seen me at my worst.
So, here's to you, all of my wonderful, amazing, rock solid, always there, charming, sweet, beautiful, sometimes troubled, caring, gorgeous, silly, crazy, weird, goofy, incredible, new, old, male, female, perfect... oh so perfect friends.
I love you all far too much.
And I don't deserve you.

To the friends of my past. You may be gone, but you're still a part of me. I'll never forget you.
Timothy Atkinson; one of the best friends I've ever had. The times we spent just being random and crazy were some of the best ever. I do miss you. People change. Did we grow apart? Maybe we just grew in different ways. I'm not sure I'll ever know.